Career Strategy

When I considered going out on my own, the only hesitation was that I knew I’d miss coaching and developing people.  It’s one of the things I’ve loved most about my work, and some of my proudest moments come from cheering the accomplishments of those I’ve coached and mentored. I learn as much from the process as I give, and true to form, it was a former employee who asked, “Why can’t you do both?”

What Is Coaching?

Personal coaching is an ongoing relationship focused on helping you unleash your potential.  Coaching occurs through a series of exercises and conversations in which I will ask questions, listen, play back what I have heard and challenge you. This creates a relationship of rapport and trust that enables you as the client to clarify your values and your value, and determine how to harness your “secret sauce” to fulfill your aspirations.  You’re not hiring me to do that for you. It’s a journey, and I’m the sort of tour guide who will take you places, give you some background, point things out you might not have seen on your own, and have a really thought-provoking conversation that enables you to get more out of the experience than you would have without me.

Benefits of Coaching:

Typical outcomes for my clients include

  • Clarity of personal and career goals
  • Strategies for managing their personal / professional brand
  • Improved leadership skills, confidence and presence
  • Achievement of stretch goals and results
  • Enhanced persuasion, influence and negotiation skills
  • Finding their “voice” for greater visibility, authority and credibility
  • More rewards and recognition for accomplishments

Who do I coach?

I’ve coached individuals at all stages of their careers, facing a wide variety of challenges.  See what they’re saying. There are two areas I consider my specialties:

Career TransitionCareer Transitions – “In transition” doesn’t necessarily mean “laid off and looking for a job.” I do help people in that situation define and focus their search. I also help those who are happily employed and ready for the next challenge, those who are ready to move on but unsure what to move to. In all of these cases, it comes down to a process of self-reflection to identify your personal values and goals, and create a strategy to help you meet them.

Woman with her staff Women’s Leadership Development – I firmly believe that the world needs more women in leadership positions. An increasing body of research shows that people are more fulfilled, companies are more successful, and communities prosper more peacefully when leadership and power are shared between women and men.  I’ve been a member of The Leadership Investment (formerly known as Women’sVision Foundation) since 2001, which has given me the opportunity to participate in best-in-class leadership development programs, inspiring events, and a supportive community.  Women don’t need “special help,” but the truth is that we face some different challenges than men, and the strategies that work for men don’t work the same for us. I help women envision their possibilities, and develop the confidence to make them reality.

Contact me for a free consultation.

Monica as Coach

Why should you choose me as a coach?

There are so many coaches out there, it can be overwhelming to find the one that’s right for you.  What sets me apart?

  • Experience – It’s hard to find a coach who has actually climbed the ladder and been successful in the C-suite.  I did it with integrity, and without losing sight of my own core values and priorities.
  • Authenticity – If you want a coach who will tell you what you want to hear, don’t choose me.  Anyone who knows me will tell you that I am a good listener and will ask the questions that help you uncover what’s important to you, but also that I “cut through the BS” to the honest truth, so you can identify what you can do better and evaluate your options.
  • FUN – There’s no question that self-exploration can be hard work. And it should be fun. You’ll find me to be approachable, easy to talk to and a good listener, and we will have fun along the way!

Read my Coaching Blog 

Contact Monica for a FREE Consultation

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Monica Hahn is a consultant who provides marketing and brand strategy, based in the San Francisco Bay area. Monica is also a career and executive coach who works in person or virtually.

What clients say
What clients say about Monica Hahn: Monica has been one of the most influential and valued Career Coaches I've had the pleasure of working with. She's always shown a genuine interest in helping me achieve my career goals. Monica’s integrity, passion, and intellect distinguish her in her field. Her ability to envision and pave new pathways to our brand and concept are unparalleled.
Kevin Price interviews Monica Hahn of Hahn Solo Strategy. Monica Hahn is a consultant who provides marketing and brand strategy, based in the San Francisco Bay area. Monica is also a career and executive coach who works in person or virtually.

Listen to my interview with Kevin Price on "The Price of Business."